To start work you should grab window you will work with.
To grab window just click on the target icon near the caption "The Grabber". And then drag and drop it to the required window.
To check/uncheck any checkbox near the window name just double click on it.
You can temporary disable transparency setting for certain window (i.e. set it to 100%) by unchecking the enable (left) checkbox near the window name.
By checking it you will set this window to the last transparency before unchecking.
You can enable/disable Stay on top window property by checking/unchecking middle checkbox near the window name. Stay on top means that selected window will be always visible even if you work with another window or application.
You can enable/disable input by checking/unchecking right checkbox near the window name. Disable input means that you can see the selected window but you can't control it using keyboard or mouse.
You can add all windows to Transparent Window Manager windows list by clicking on Grab All button.
To quick set windows transparency to 100% select required windows in the Transparent Window Manager windows list and then use Set fill 100% button.
While you change selected window in the Transparent Window Manager windows list the window that is selected now is highlighting.
While you change active window through task bar or alt+tab the active window is automatically selected in the Transparent Window Manager windows list.
You can add your own tips to the standard Tip of The Day database. Just edit the "Tip of day.tip" file located at the same directory as Transparent Window Manager executable.
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